The spread of reliable information regarding the Post-Modern Masonic current is of high importance. Those who are against Post-Modern Freemasonry often use the spread of disinformation in order to confuse sincere independent minded and freethinking seekers of light.
Many of the primary accusations against Post-Modern Freemasonry come against us from partisan "Blue Lodge" Masons. One of the most common is the accusation that we, as Post-Moderns do not respect Blue Lodge traditions. This is in many cases an objective truth. We do not hold the landmarks as defined by Mackey as any form of Masonic "law." In fact we in whole reject the notion of universal Masonic law.
Why do we do this? We are not Blue Lodge Masons. We are Post-Moderns, also known as Black Lodge Freemasons.
Now, when we speak of Black Lodge Freemasonry we are not in anyway speaking of race, ethnicity or creed. We are also not speaking about organizational African American Freemasonry as found within the Prince Hall current. We speak of something very specific.
The color black has a very special significance in esoteric terms. The Greeks believed the color black to be representative of Chaos, the first god from who all of creation; mother Earth (Gaia) and the father sky, space (Uranus) where born.
The the ancient Egyptians the color blacks represented Xeper, the ultimate state of being. The great and pure consciousness form which light was born into the universe.
Black is an absorptive, it does not emit nor reflect light. To us, the Post-Modern Freemasons the goal of Freemasonry is to improve oneself in Freemasonry. This means we are to absorb all the Masonic light available from any source. Thus, the color black represents our inclusive outlook. We take from all sources, we use them to build our own operative skill. In our own way we seek to take our ashlars from the rough brown state to the smooth and polished state of smooth black stone. Like the obsidian forged by the heat of the Earth. We seek to help individual seekers of light to become polished Craftsman.
In physics, a black body is a perfect absorber of light, but by a rule derived by Einstein it is also, when heated, the best emitter.
Also, in the simplest of outlooks. The term Black Lodge Freemasonry serves to differentiate. We have in the world wide Masonic landscape Antient Freemasonry (Blue Lodge) Modern Freemasonry (Red Lodge) and Post-Modern Freemasonry (Black Lodge.) This helps to distinguish that though related each are their own and unique and they should be respected as such. We would not expect Blue Lodge or Red Lodge Masons to be 100% in line with Black Lodge customs and policies and why would we? Thus, we too must also be respected for our differences and for what we bring to the table of enlightenment.
Contrary to popular belief we do not want to "convert" the Masonic world. True many of us have very strong opinions. I myself am especially vocal. As an American, and a free man I believe I have the right to freely express myself as do others. That does not mean that I am closed off from anyone else's point of view, it just means that they better have a more compelling argument than my own.
That pretty much goes for all Post-Modern Black Lodge Freemasons. What we do is different but our goals should be the same. To make the world a better place, one living stone at a time.
Frater Raum Sariel
Freedom of Association
12 years ago
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