Monday, December 6, 2010
The Hellenic Rite and Hellenic Reconstructionism
Today I would like to briefly address a situation that has come to my attention. I have been fielding questions asking if someone needs to be a believer in the Hellenic religion in order to be a member of lodge Hera or any other Hellenic Rite lodge.
The short answer is no. Lodge Hera is a member of the 1613 Nation and thus is in harmony with the 1613 Manifesto. According to the Manifesto, it is paramount that all Hellenic Rite lodges follow the principles of the 1613 Nation. These including being essentially adogmatic in our approach to membership.
The 1613 Manifesto clearly states by it's fourth principle: All free and honest human beings, from all races, genders, religions, social situations, philosophical or political ideals and economic conceptions should commune in harmony and unity to be free citizens within the temple of Masonic light.
We, the membership and leadership of Lodge Hera remain firm in this commitment of inclusion. belief is not a requirement in order to experience the benefits of ceremonial magic, and this include our working of the Craft degrees of the Hellenic Rite.
It does need to be made clear to potential applicants that the Hellenic Rite is a deeply proto-religious Rite of Freemasonry. It does have it's symbolic and allegorical roots in Hellenic polytheism. Just as other Rites of Freemasonry have roots in Judaic monotheism or even in esoteric Christianity, it is our firm stance that all may take benefit from such a ritual path to enlightenment, as opposed to being require to be devout of faith to get results.
I hope that this quick note answers this important question for most of you. The Hellenic Rite is meant to be worked, it is also meant to be shared. It is my passion and I do believe that it is a beautiful system of self transformation. We at lodge Hera are pleased to help issue it to the world. At any time I will make myself available to answer what I can regarding this new and exciting Masonic Rite.
Thank you all for your time , attention and patience. May the light of G.A.O.T.U. bless each and every one of you in everything you do. may the Gods bring you peace and joy.
IN LVX 1613,
Joshua Walker-WM Lodge Hera
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Greetings and thank you to all
First of all let me say a sincere thank you to all of my Brethren. What a time it has been these last 20 months or so. Going from a concept of a new Rite of Freemasonry. Based on the Hellenic pantheon and steeped in the tradition of the sacred feminine. This undertaking, seemed like such a good idea and has now grown to an actual operative practice. Honestly, the most fulfilling journey of my life.
A thank you to Worshipful Black, for without his steadfast dedication to the "special project" this lodge never would have seen the light of day. His resolve as well as his generosity and firm understanding of the objectives has made our distant dreams into a reality.
A special thank you to Brother Brad Cofield. He put in the hours, the travel money and the elbowgrease behind the lodge to get it started.
A thank you to my wonderful and adoring wife. Even with a full time career and a couple of small children to nurture and love has shared my passion and with her energy made the lodge into the something more we always thought it could be.
A thank you to Bro. Sarah Goss, who by sheer tenacity became the very first initiate into the Hellenic Rite. And, for her exceptional skills that allows her to serve as lodge Secretary, a position that will surely be my right hand throughout this process.
With that being said I would like to now share some of my thoughts for this upcoming year. Thanks to Worshipful Black and others we have made strong alliances with the greater Hellenic community. These bonds of friendship are allowing us to exchange information and work together in a cooperative manner towards mutual success. There will be plenty of educational events centered around the lodge and the Hellenic Rite in the upcoming year. It is my hope that all interested members and friends do their best to promote and attend these events. Announcements will occur both on this blog as well as our lodge pages on social media such as Facebook.
Lodge Hera is also pleased to be focused on building the lodge in the organic manner that will sustain solid growth and personal development. We have several petitioners that we are sure will not only be welcome additions to the lodge but who will benefit from Masonic light and personal growth that is the key to the reason behind the Hellenic Rite. Anyone interested in our lodge or our Rite of Freemasonry please feel free to reach out to myself. I will always make myself available for the good of all.
Above all, I want to see this new year shine from the prospective of the essence of the 1613 Nation. We must never forget why we are here and what we are here to do. Let us lead by example, not only within our lodges but within our homes, communities and the greater planet that we all share. Lodge Hera will be instituting several programs designed for communal benefit. All of these will be made available for implementation throughout the 1613 Nation.
So in conclusion I would like to thank each and every one of you. May the grace of GAOTU be your guide, and may you count us as friends and Brothers.
Cooperation, Compassion and Community. We, are the pillars of the temple!
Joshua Walker- WM Lodge Hera
Friday, November 12, 2010
I am happy to announce that Lodge Hera-1613 Nation has concluded our second installation of Officers. The results are as follows.
Joshua Walker- Worshipful Master
Sarah Goss-Senior Acolyte
Michelle Crouch-Lodge Secretary
I will stay on as a humble member. My focus will remain the growth of the Hellenic Rite itself but I will have no day to day responsibility regarding the lodge.
Worshipful Walker can be reached at
I want to thank all of you who where either a part of or supported us as we took an idea from concept to lodge to a full fledged new Rite of Freemasonry.
I am so proud of our accomplishments, and even more so of all of you.
Hera Bless,
P.D. Black- PM Lodge Hera-1613 Nation
Monday, September 13, 2010
Time to open up
are welcome.
Keep in mind this is in my home and assholes are not to be tolerated.
There will be a strict dress code and code of conduct policy. Please contact myself for further info.
WM Lodge Hera
Friday, June 11, 2010
Almost Summer
Lodge Hera has given birth to other Hellenic Rite lodges. From Artemis, to Demeter, to Star of Minerva's Dawn and Titan of the East. All larger than Lodge Hera, a new breed of Masons of Samos is here.
Hellenic 1613 Chapters are taking shape in four countries. What a wonderful feeling it is.
So as the summer solstice comes closer and the night gives way to the long days let's be thankful for all that we have been able to do. Let's keep focus on what we can do and may G.O.A.T.U. gide your path.
WM Lodge Hera
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
1613 Nation Lands in France
This lodge is located in Normandy, France. This is very symbolic and significant for a number of reasons.
1.) France is considered by most to be the birthplace of "liberal" Freemasonry. It also remains the most fertile ground for alternative Masonic current.
2.) Normandy also represents the site of the D-Day invasion and the liberation of Europe from the fascist butchers know as the Third Reich
3.) The lodge is named in honor of a great Masonic martyr, Constant Chevillon. He was a noted esoteric, magician, and activist. He was also Grand Master for the APRMM in France. Brother Chevillon was murdered by the Gestapo.
This goes to show everyone that even in a country where choice abounds, many are choosing to represent the 1613. We obviously have something to offer to some of the people out there. Welcome aboard by Brethren, and I wish to see you all very soon.
WM Lodge Hera
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mainstream Times is Hard
Personally, I could care less about any of this. It may be another crack in the wall though and of course being tha radical that I am that would be marvelous. Anyway, if you want to read more on this topic start with the GL of Ohio's homepage.
There are plenty of people blogging about and giving it plenty of coverage. Because it is news worthy I thought I would mention it.
WM Lodge Hera
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
1613 Manifesto
We stand united against the forces of stagnation and institutionalised regression. As Freemasonry is a progressive science we seek to regain a fluid and flowing form. The rejection of tradition for the mere sake of maintaining the status quo. We hear-by issue in a new era. We take control of our own sovereignty. Our members are who matter not some far away "supreme council" or dictatorial oligarchy. We maintain the right of self determination. Empowerment is the new order of the day.
A maelstrom is rising, reaching out across the globe. The powers that have come to dominate over the last 300 years have grown tired. So bloated by their own institutional creation they have grow slow, unable to react to the needs of the twenty first century seeker of Masonic light. The traditions that they have come to rely on have betrayed them. Just as a poor diet with lead to a body ravaged with afflictions and cancer and a poor education leaves a mind dull and witless their allegiance to seventeenth century best practices have left them on life support in the twenty first century age. Today's seeker of light wants more than the stale status quo. They want more than just the social men's club but the radical progressive revolution of the enlightenment.
Where do we go from here? When will apathy and stasis be replaced with enthusiasm and emotion? Now! By who? The revolutionaries who go by the Freemasonry beyond form. We call ourselves Post-Modern Freemasons, the 1613 Nation.
Guiding Principles:
Unlike our Modern and Antient predecessors , Post-Moderns are united together not through the bonds of institutional servitude but by the genuine desire to build upon common principles. It is no the desire to form yet another among the countless institutions. It is not the feeding of ego that can so easily lead to a cult of personality. It is the genuine desire and belief that a true community based upon common sense pragmatic principles will allow us to guide ourselves in the model of the twenty first century Freemason.
The first of these principles is that of sovereignty. Sovereignty not only of our lodges as independent houses of the Craft, but sovereignty of the individual to practice the Craft how would best benefit their individual lives. As Freemasons and free men and women; we the members and 1613 Nation loudly and proudly declare our sovereignty and independence; not only as Freemasons but as collective citizens under the canopy of Heaven. We hold it within our rights to manage our affairs as we see fit, regardless of attempted outside interference.
The second of these principles is the abandonment of rigid institutionalized forms. In Order to remain effective the Craft needs to be adaptable to any situation we find ourselves in. We cannot be so dedicated to one way that it leads us right off the cliff to extinction. This is counter productive ad potentially suicidal. We need to approach the Craft with a pragmatic mindset. The growth of the Nation leads to the service of seekers of Masonic light. This is our mission, we cannot be so caught up in "tradition" that we loose focus that would lead to aspirants slipping through the cracks.
The third principle reflects our commitment to the service of all true aspirants. We must not discriminate dues to gender, race, sexual orientation, class, creed, religion or lack of faith. To do so is a gross violation of contemporary human virtue. We must build a cosmopolitan Craft, one who is inclusive and meaningful in order to build a better humanity.
The fourth principle reflects our operative focus. For being operative, our Freemasonry, conscious of accomplishing the great divine intention and transcendent teachings of the ancients, does not admit any limitation to the absolute liberty of conscience and, for its natural extension, the complete liberty of the spirit. All free and honest human beings, from all races, genders, religions, social situations, philosophical or political ideals and economic conceptions should commune in harmony and unity to be free citizens within the temple of Masonic light. The operative magicks of shall be transmitted through our workings. United in this glorious endeavour, we the custodians of this magickal Rites now open this mutual community.
It is these principles that separate us from those who have come before. We claim no superiority except when it comes to being such for ourselves. Just as we do not hold any foreign authority in supreme regard we do not hold the standards of organizations outside of our community as absolute standards. We are united in our common bond and strengthened in by our will.
1613 Nation Structure:
Cooperation, Compassion, Community we are the pillars of the Temple!
The 1613 Nation is not a grand lodge or orient. There is no grand master nor supreme council. The 1613 Nation is a co-operational community guided by principle and help together by mutual benefit and respect. The institutionalized way of doing things has given us a three hundred year old case study. This is a lot of data to process and we have come to the conclusion that an institutionalized system always leads to status. When the blood stops moving the host body dies. That is what has let to a cross divisional collapse of what once was an initiatic Craft. We are determined to avoid this path of esoteric starvation.
Each lodge is independent, but each lodge is also tied to the community. We do not help each other out of fear of retribution but rather out of the joy and sense of purpose it gives , Craftsmen helping Craftsmen each busy building the temple not built by hands- one living stone at a time.
We are resolute that we will not adopt the self destructive habits of institutionalism or elitism.
1613 Nation: Ten Point Program of the Post-Modern Freemason
- 1.) Dedication to both lodge and individual Masonic empowerment. There is no greater lodge than the lodge of self. The four chambers of the Craftsman's heart not the four walls made of stucco and drywall. We as members of the 1613 Nation seek a high level of operative skill. We seek to reach a point of the "perpetual lodge." A state of being. We understand that it is not enough to meet once a month as Brothers than depart back into a state of a essentially profane life. It is through the empowerment of both the lodge of the individual Craftsman that must always remain in out focus or we will lose out state of perpetual motion.
- 2.) Commitment to the grow of the individual Mason as a Craftsman of Masonic and related arcana. We realize that Freemasonry is not a unique self contained system of spiritual enlightenment. In other words it was not created in a vacuum. Freemasonry pulls it's life energy from those traditions, schools and systems that came before it. It is made imperative in order for us to have a skill set in one so must we in the others. A 1613 Craftsman is a practitioner of other mystery traditions. Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Martinism , Kabbalah, Tantra and other forms are required if one is going to be building a temple on Earth. All our tools within our familiarity.
- 3.) Abolition of the regressive policies found within Freemasonry such a hierarchical grand lodge system. To remain a community based upon cooperation. To Abolish outdated best practices such as recognition based organizational criteria. All of these things are the enemy of the twenty first century Post-Modern Freemason. We simply cannot allow ourselves to fall into regressive "headtrash." The second we do we have failed in our divine purpose.
- 4.) Restoration of "obscure" Rites of Freemasonry to a level of active practice. To be blunt we find value in all the Rites and rituals that have come before. Within every one you'll find the "golden thread" that binds us all together. We feel it is a crime that Rites be locked away as if in a museum or some perverse literary zoo. We have the honor to have all of this great body of work to have survived the centuries. Why not use them to progress our work? We make every effort to make what is available accessible to our membership.
- 5.) The encouragement of the creation and implementation of new Rites and rituals. What has come before is fantastic, build what is born a new can make the difference between something next generation and something obsolete. We need to continuously push ourselves to not only master what we have available to be create. This creativity is the very essence of the Post-Modern Freemason.
- 6.) Dedication to overall experimentation. Unless new ideas are put into action they are useless. Let us experiment with new techniques and best practices. Lets be honest with ourselves with what works and what fails. Let us find what works and build upon it.
- 7.) Active participation in the non Masonic community. To foster the role of education and tolerance in order to build a better planet. Freemasonry is nothing more than a hobby and a distraction if what we learn and are capable of is not applied to the outside world. It is up to us to be better people. better fathers and mothers, better sisters and brothers. Better employers and employees. better citizens of the worldwide lodge. The Post-Modern Freemason sincerely believes a Masonic planet is better than a profane one. make it happen, live it.
- 8.) Maintain a strong work ethic. To build instead of buy. To be self sufficient. As a grassroots movement it is up to each and every Post-Modern Freemason to get their individual hands dirty. rely on the community for help and support but more importantly be reliable. Don't buy what you can build.
- 9.) To leave no Brother or Sister behind. Be responsible for one another. We are our Brothers keepers. Brotherly love, relief and truth for the Post-Modern Freemason is not a marketing slogan. Love your Brothers and Sisters. Make time for one another and always have each others best interests in mind. There are many obstacles against the Nation, we need to always make sure that we take care of our own.
- 10.) Maintain an atmosphere of "kaizen" continual improvement. What can be built can always be built better. Improve, innovate.
The 1613 Nation is a community movement, spreading across the globe with speed and efficiency. In keeping with the spirit of a Post-Modern fluid movement dedicated to results over absolute forms we leave it up to the individual 1613 member to make their individual views know with their own personal manifesto. We need to make sure that all who seek are serviced. Everyone is just as important as everyone else. We are not based upon the ego or agenda of one person or a select group of people. We must continue to be a dynamic movement based upon skill building, growth , harmony and perseverance.
Now is the time Brethren, the birth of the 1613 Nation.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Streisand Effect and the 1613 Nation
I stumbled across this from another blogger. It really caught my eye. I am wondering if this is the exact effect that our opponents have on Post-Modern Freemasonry. The more vocal and hysterical they become the quicker we grow. This is exemplified by the fact that we now have 22 lodges within the 1613 Nation. Representing eleven countries and five continents.
Pretty amazing stuff. Perhaps we should start sending the haters fruit baskets or something? I hear that Edible Arrangements are the rage.
WM Lodge Hera
Post-Modern Freemasons-1613 Nation
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
New Dawn Has Risen- 1613 Manifesto
The outline of the movement from A-Z can be found in the 1613 Manifesto.
Join the revolution, support your local 1613.
WM Lodge Hera
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ahiman Rezon
For those who don't know, the Ahimon Rezon is a book of constitutions written by Bro. Laurence Dermott the Grand Secretary of the Antient GL of England. It was written in 1756.basically, it is the Antients answer to the Moderns Anderson's Constitutions.The name Ahiman Rezon was supposed to mean "will of selected Brethren" in Hebrew. It doesn't, in fact it doesn't mean anything in Hebrew it seems that the words are made up.
Overall IMHO it is not that interesting. A lot in common with the previous and better known work of Anderson. There is though one specific difference. Where Anderson's is religious yet specifically creed-less, it appears not to be the case with the Ahimon Rezon.
Ahimon Rezon: Concerning God and Religion
"A Mason is obliged by his Tenure to believe firmly in the true Worship of the eternal God, as well as in all those sacred Records which the Dignitaries and Fathers of the Church have compiled and published for the Use of all good Men: So that no one who rightly understands the Art, can possibly tread in the irreligious Paths of the unhappy Libertine, or be induced to follow the arrogant Professors of Atheism or Deism; neither is he to be stained with the gross Errors of blind Superstition, but may have the Liberty of embracing what Faith he shall think proper, provided at all Times he pays a due Reverence to his Creator, and by the World deals with Honour and Honesty ever making that golden Precept the Standard-Rule of his Actions, which engages, To do unto all Man as he would they should do unto him: For the Craft, instead of entering into idle and unnecessary Disputes concerning the Different Opinions and Persuasions of Men, admits into the Fraternity all that are good and true."
I find the specific exclusion of Deists quite shocking actually. This would eliminate many famous Masons of the period. It also seem from my interpretation to be strictly monotheistic. Not my cup of tea.
My question, does anyone know if the self identified Ahiman Rezon follow the document letter for letter as it's established book of Constitutions? Does that mean that only Monotheists are allowed entry into South Carolina mainstream Masonic lodges?
I must admit that I am ignorant of the answers and I would love the opportunity to learn.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Informed or Ignorant?
This really disturbed me. On a core level. I began wondering how and why a Mason would discourage another against reading anything. Shouldn't we be encouraging our Brethren to
be informed on everything they can be? Aren't we to be expanding our minds and broadening our knowledge base? Of what use can the discouraging of learning possibly ever serve?
I am interested in the thoughts of our readers on this. I know our lodge encourages rabid learning, of all kinds. Masonic and otherwise.
WM Lodge Hera
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Differences in Masonic Virtue
We stress the "operative" nature of Black Lodge Freemasonry. That does not mean literal working with stone, but it does mean shaping the individual as a living stone within the whole
of the greater cooperative that is represented by the universe.
Most of us having come from either the "mainstream" Blue Lodge Freemasonry or Continental style Red Lodge Freemasonry have found both systems ultimately unsatisfying from the perspective of individual empowerment. This is where the virtues of Black Lodge Freemasonry makes it most unique.
My quick breakdown of Black Lodge Freemasonic values:
1.) Freemasonry is the Principle of Isolate Intelligence
2.) Freemasonry is dynamic (evolving.)
3.) Freemasonry's purpose is self maintenance, expansion and perpetuation. This is it's only true definable function- otherwise it would be of little to no practical use.
4.) Freemasonry is not omnipotent- it must work for the changes that it causes.
5.) Freemasonry is not omniscient- it must work in order to be seen objectively.
6.) Freemasonry's gift of self empowerment is perfect and complete.
7.) Freemasonry can inform and teach those possessed the gift of the adept.
8.) Freemasonry's greatest lesson is to give more than to take.
9.) Freemasonry's secrets lay totally within us, the individual. This is vital to the evolution of the Principle of Isolate intelligence.
Black Lodge Post-Modern Freemasonry goes a little bit deeper and is a tad more involved than the tag line "making good men better."
WM Lodge Hera
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Reflections on 2009
2009, for all of it's financial ups and downs for almost everybody proved to be a year of new creation as well as rebirth. From that original idea of Masonic freedom, fluidity and personal
empowerment came what we would later label Post-Modern Freemasonry. From a concept ,
to a cause who would have thought that those original four who founded the very first Post-Modern Masonic lodge in Lodge Bonaparte would strike a chord deep within the core of so many spread out across so wide of a distance?
We have seen our idea grow into what is now a worldwide Masonic family. Now found on four continents and growing. We gained the support fellowship and cooperation of several long established Masonic orders as well. Quite and accomplishment.
Of course this past year had it's down spots as well. We lost more than one dear friend and a few inspirations to the Celestial Lodge. And while we may have heavy hearts we must always remember that their energy flows through us and helps us to build the future.
We also actively took part in the creation of a whole new Masonic Rite, the Hellenic Rite. The first created from the ground up Post-Modern Masonic Rite. This allowed us of course to create this very special Lodge Hera. Dedicated to the sacred feminine, a very important role lost to most within Freemasonry now reawakened.
In these early morning hours I am thankful for all of my Brethren and friends who have decided to walk the rugged road with me. Without you I could not continue. We as a community strengthen each other with the pure love and support that is Masonic Brotherhood. For that I owe you all my deepest gratitude.
So here is to a great sendoff to a very important 2009, and a welcome to 2010. I have a feeling that 2010 will be our best year to date.