Mission Statement

Μάιος οι Θεοί σας ευλογεί σε όλα αυτά που. μπορείτε να ξέρετε την επιτυχία μέσω της πίστης.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I am happy to announce that Lodge Hera-1613 Nation has concluded our second installation of Officers. The results are as follows.

Joshua Walker- Worshipful Master
Sarah Goss-Senior Acolyte
Michelle Crouch-Lodge Secretary

I will stay on as a humble member. My focus will remain the growth of the Hellenic Rite itself but I will have no day to day responsibility regarding the lodge.

Worshipful Walker can be reached at blacksunhyperion@gmail.com

I want to thank all of you who where either a part of or supported us as we took an idea from concept to lodge to a full fledged new Rite of Freemasonry.

I am so proud of our accomplishments, and even more so of all of you.

Hera Bless,
P.D. Black- PM Lodge Hera-1613 Nation


  1. Wish you all the best as you continue with your service,
    Best regards from wilson of Nairobi, Kenya

  2. Thank you Brother. All the best. -P.D.
