Hello to all of our readers. My name is Joshua Walker, I am the Worshipful Master of Lodge Hera installed for the years 2011 and 2012. I would like to take this time to introduce myself as well as to share some of my thoughts for the upcoming year, as it relates to our lodge and to the Hellenic Rite.
First of all let me say a sincere thank you to all of my Brethren. What a time it has been these last 20 months or so. Going from a concept of a new Rite of Freemasonry. Based on the Hellenic pantheon and steeped in the tradition of the sacred feminine. This undertaking, seemed like such a good idea and has now grown to an actual operative practice. Honestly, the most fulfilling journey of my life.
A thank you to Worshipful Black, for without his steadfast dedication to the "special project" this lodge never would have seen the light of day. His resolve as well as his generosity and firm understanding of the objectives has made our distant dreams into a reality.
A special thank you to Brother Brad Cofield. He put in the hours, the travel money and the elbowgrease behind the lodge to get it started.
A thank you to my wonderful and adoring wife. Even with a full time career and a couple of small children to nurture and love has shared my passion and with her energy made the lodge into the something more we always thought it could be.
A thank you to Bro. Sarah Goss, who by sheer tenacity became the very first initiate into the Hellenic Rite. And, for her exceptional skills that allows her to serve as lodge Secretary, a position that will surely be my right hand throughout this process.
With that being said I would like to now share some of my thoughts for this upcoming year. Thanks to Worshipful Black and others we have made strong alliances with the greater Hellenic community. These bonds of friendship are allowing us to exchange information and work together in a cooperative manner towards mutual success. There will be plenty of educational events centered around the lodge and the Hellenic Rite in the upcoming year. It is my hope that all interested members and friends do their best to promote and attend these events. Announcements will occur both on this blog as well as our lodge pages on social media such as Facebook.
Lodge Hera is also pleased to be focused on building the lodge in the organic manner that will sustain solid growth and personal development. We have several petitioners that we are sure will not only be welcome additions to the lodge but who will benefit from Masonic light and personal growth that is the key to the reason behind the Hellenic Rite. Anyone interested in our lodge or our Rite of Freemasonry please feel free to reach out to myself. I will always make myself available for the good of all.
Above all, I want to see this new year shine from the prospective of the essence of the 1613 Nation. We must never forget why we are here and what we are here to do. Let us lead by example, not only within our lodges but within our homes, communities and the greater planet that we all share. Lodge Hera will be instituting several programs designed for communal benefit. All of these will be made available for implementation throughout the 1613 Nation.
So in conclusion I would like to thank each and every one of you. May the grace of GAOTU be your guide, and may you count us as friends and Brothers.
Cooperation, Compassion and Community. We, are the pillars of the temple!
Joshua Walker- WM Lodge Hera
Freedom of Association
12 years ago