Mission Statement

Μάιος οι Θεοί σας ευλογεί σε όλα αυτά που. μπορείτε να ξέρετε την επιτυχία μέσω της πίστης.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Informed or Ignorant?

A funny thing happened while was cruising some Masonic forums the other day. A Brother who is a member of a rather conservative and dogmatic form of Co-Freemasonry (it hurts to type that term) stated that she had bought a book of obscure Masonic rituals. This caught my attention. I was interested on her take on the rituals. Sadly however deeper in the thread it was revealed that a "senior" member of her order "advised" her not to read the rituals. So, she didn't.

This really disturbed me. On a core level. I began wondering how and why a Mason would discourage another against reading anything. Shouldn't we be encouraging our Brethren to
be informed on everything they can be? Aren't we to be expanding our minds and broadening our knowledge base? Of what use can the discouraging of learning possibly ever serve?

I am interested in the thoughts of our readers on this. I know our lodge encourages rabid learning, of all kinds. Masonic and otherwise.

WM Lodge Hera

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